Noam Kot
Galit Levy


Catalog of Throws - Tachi Waza


Te WazaKoshi Waza
Ippon Seoi NageO Goshi
Morote Seoi NageUki Goshi
Eri Seoi NageTsuri Goshi
Tai OtoshiKoshi Guruma
Tsuri Komi Goshi
SodeTsuri Komi Goshi
Harai Goshi
Hane Goshi

Ashi WazaSutemi Waza
O Soto GariTomoe Nage
O Uchi GariSumi Gaeshi
Ko Uchi GariUki Waza
Okuri Ashi BaraiYoko Otoshi
De Ashi BaraiTani Otoshi
Ko Soto GariSoto Makikomi Ver. 1
Ko Soto GakeSoto Makikomi Ver. 2
Ashi Guruma
O Guruma
Sasae Tsuri Komi Ashi
Hiza Guruma
Uchi Mata
Tsubame Gaeshi   

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